Location: Poland, Poznań, ul. Grunwaldzka
Program : Dental Clinic
Construction year: 2013

Flor: polyurethane resin with sand’s point
Lamp: LED strips, 
Information desk: custom design lacquered wood
Sofas: stainless steal and  Eco leather: custom design
Doors: custom design – satin glass, wood

Dental Clinic Center This is a dental clinic accompanied with a housing project. The conditions required were: to make the clinic into housing 50’s building, to create three individual treatment rooms. The reception and waiting space it’s characterized by a big white box with green soft light of the space. And the clinic have different ceiling heights created by the slanted roof, creates natural light gradations. Therefore, there would be diversities in spaces. The plan is fairly ruled by a 5 m grid. However, one can experience diverse feelings in each and every space. Because of the dissimilarities in each cell heights, natural lighting, and volume. While aiming for a functional and rational plan, I encountered ambiguous relationships between outside and inside conditions. Tthat generated a mysterious depth in the space.


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